Natural Pet Care Product Line

At Loving Touch For Animals I have created 3 pet care
products lines, one for your canine companion, a gentler one for
your feline companion and one for your horse. Along with a
Flower Essence line.

I also do custom blends for the animal that has a
condition that the owner wants to use herbs to help them.
Custom blends price will vary on what is needed.



The Canine Line: includes; Shampoos, Slaves, oil Blend, and sprays.

Shampoos: 4 oz. $9.00 8 oz. $13.00

Calming: for the dog that needs to relax & feel calm at bath time.
Contains: Castile soap, essential oils of: Clary sage, Petitgrain,
Marjoram, wild Orange, with flower essence blend of Blue Calm.

Deodorizing: a spicy de-odorizing blend for your stinky dog.
Contains: Castile soap, essential oils of: Cinnamon, Anise, black
pepper, & bay

Flea & Tick: a gentle shampoo you can use weekly if needed to help
to control fleas & ticks: Contains: Castile soap, neem oil, essential
oils of; Rosewood, Geranium, Lavender, Lemongrass, Myrrh,
Peppermint, and Parasitic Protection Flower Essence.

Herbal: a natural fresh way to clean your dog. Contains: Castile
soap, essential oils of: Basil, Lavender, and Clary Sage.

Mange: for the treatment of mange & other mites related skin
conditions. Contains: Castile soap, Apple Cider Vinegar, neem oil,
Grapefruit seed extract, essential oils of: Lavender, Helichrysum ,
and Marjoram.


Growing social so that as an end result, we gain traction. Taking audience segments so that as an end result, we target the low hanging fruit. Utilising blue-sky thinking so that we re-target key demographics.

Amplifying responsive websites with the possibility to re-target key demographics. Considering social and possibly be on brand. Creating user stories to in turn create synergy.

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Plan Your Content


If you’re considering adding a blog to your site, you’ll want to have a plan beforehand. Planning your blog will help your subject matter remain consistent over time. It’ll also help you determine whether or not there’s enough material to maintain a steady stream of posts.

One pitfall many new bloggers run into is starting a blog that isn’t posted to frequently enough. A shortage of recent posts can give your visitors a bad impression of your business. One may think “I wonder if they’re still in business” or “they may want to hire a writer.”

A blog, like any other customer facing aspect of your business, communicates your brand. If it isn’t maintained and given proper attention, people will notice. Post regularly and keep your content fresh. Give your audience a reason to visit often.

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Pages vs. Posts


If you’re new to WordPress you may be wondering what’s the big deal behind Pages and Posts. At first glance they appear to be one and the same: if you were to create either a new page or a new post you’d be presented with nearly identical interfaces and in many cases the public appearance of pages and posts will look the same.

Don’t let this fool you. There’s a very fundamental difference between the two and that difference is what makes CMSs, like WordPress, great platforms for integrating blogs with traditional websites.


Think about the kind of pages that make up a typical website. Most often you’ll see pages like “Home”, “About Us”, “Services”, “Contact Us”, etc. Within WordPress these are often treated as Pages; documents that have no particular regard for the time they were posted.

For example, when you visit the “About Us” page of your favorite company’s website you don’t expect the content to be very different from what was available there a week ago.

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Categories and Tags


If you write about a variety of subjects, categories can help your readers find the posts that are most relevant to them. For instance, if you run a consulting business, you may want some of your posts to reflect work you’ve done with previous clients, while having other posts act as informational resources. In this particular case, you can set up 2 categories: one labeled Projects and another labeled Resources. You’d then place your posts in their respective categories.

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