Natural Pet Care Product Line
At Loving Touch For Animals I have created 3 pet care
products lines, one for your canine companion, a gentler one for
your feline companion and one for your horse. Along with a
Flower Essence line.
I also do custom blends for the animal that has a
condition that the owner wants to use herbs to help them.
Custom blends price will vary on what is needed.
The Canine Line: includes; Shampoos, Slaves, oil Blend, and sprays.
Shampoos: 4 oz. $9.00 8 oz. $13.00
Calming: for the dog that needs to relax & feel calm at bath time.
Contains: Castile soap, essential oils of: Clary sage, Petitgrain,
Marjoram, wild Orange, with flower essence blend of Blue Calm.
Deodorizing: a spicy de-odorizing blend for your stinky dog.
Contains: Castile soap, essential oils of: Cinnamon, Anise, black
pepper, & bay
Flea & Tick: a gentle shampoo you can use weekly if needed to help
to control fleas & ticks: Contains: Castile soap, neem oil, essential
oils of; Rosewood, Geranium, Lavender, Lemongrass, Myrrh,
Peppermint, and Parasitic Protection Flower Essence.
Herbal: a natural fresh way to clean your dog. Contains: Castile
soap, essential oils of: Basil, Lavender, and Clary Sage.
Mange: for the treatment of mange & other mites related skin
conditions. Contains: Castile soap, Apple Cider Vinegar, neem oil,
Grapefruit seed extract, essential oils of: Lavender, Helichrysum ,
and Marjoram.
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