At Loving Touch For Animals I have created 3 separate pet care products lines, one for your Canine companion,  a gentler one for your Feline companion and one for your horse.  There is also a Flower Essence line.

Custom blends are also available. Prices TBD.

The Canine Line:  includes; Shampoos, Slaves, oil Blend, and sprays.

Shampoos:       4 oz.  $9.00        8 oz.    $13.00

Calming: for the dog that needs to relax & feel calm at bath time. Contains: Castile soap, essential oils of: Clary sage, Petitgrain, Marjoram, wild Orange, with flower essence blend of Blue Calm.

Deodorizing: a spicy de-odorizing blend for your stinky dog. Contains: Castile soap, essential oils of: Cinnamon, Anise, black pepper, & bay

Flea & Tick: a gentle shampoo you can use weekly if needed to help to control fleas & ticks: Contains: Castile soap, neem oil, essential oils of; Rosewood, Geranium, Lavender, Lemongrass, Myrrh, Peppermint, and Parasitic Protection Flower Essence.

Herbal: a natural fresh way to clean your dog. Contains: Castile soap, essential oils of: Basil, Lavender, and Clary Sage.

Mange: for the treatment of mange & other mites related skin conditions. Contains: Castile soap, Apple Cider Vinegar, neem oil, Grapefruit seed extract, essential oils of: Lavender, Helichrysum , and Marjoram.

 Essential Oil Sprays for Dogs Only

Anxiety/Panic Relief: for use during times of anxiety or tension. Contains: Witch hazel, water, essential oils of: Petitgrain, Marjoram, Anxiety flower essence blend.

2 oz.  $9.00   4 oz.  $13.00    8 oz.  23.00

Calming/Relaxing: for those times when you need to bring a sense of calm or relaxation to your dog. Contains: Witch hazel, water   essential oils of Mandarin, Clary Sage,  Vetiver, Anise.

2 oz.  $9.00    4 oz.  $13.00    8 oz.   23.00 

Ear Cleaner: use to clean and disinfect your dog’s ears. Contains: Aloe gel, Witch hazel, Apple cider vinegar, Vegetable glycerin, Calendula, Oregon grape, & Thyme extracts, essential oils of: Lavender, Bergamot, hydrosols of: Calendula, Chamomile, Lavender, Water, Grapefruit seed extract.

2 oz.  $10.00      4 oz.   19.00

Flea & Tick: use to help protect your pet from fleas, ticks, and other biting insects. Contains: Witch hazel, Parastic protection fl. Essence, essential oils of: Lemongrass, Lavender, Bergamot, Geranium, Eucalyptus, Sweet Fern and Neem infused oils, Catnip Hydrosol.

2 oz.  $9.00    4 oz.  $13.00    8 oz.  $23.00

Joint Rub: for arthritis, hip dysplasia, sciatica, sprains to stimulate circulation, speed healing and relieve pain. Contains: Vegetable glycerin, Witch hazel, Emu oil, Comfrey, St. John’s Wort, & Solomon seal infused oils. Water, essential oils of: Black pepper, Peppermint, Spearmint, Juniper berry.

2  oz.  $9.00     4 oz.  13.00    8 oz.  $23.00

Mange: use to relieve symptoms of mange: Contains: witch hazel, vegetable glycerin, castor oil, neem oil, calendula oil, grapefruit seed extract, essential oils of: lavender, helichrysum, & marjoram.

2 oz.  $8.00         4 oz.  $12.00      8 oz.  $22.00

Soothing Skin: for use on itchy allergy prone skin. Contains: witch hazel, vegetable glycerin, castor oil, aloe gel, hydrosols of: lavender & chamomile, grapefruit seed extract, water, essential oils of: lavender, geranium, & chamomile.

               Essential Oil Blends for Dogs Only

A more concentrated treatment for those bothersome conditions your pet encounters.

After Bite: use after any insect bite but especially after removal of ticks. Contains: Calendula & St. John’s Wort infused oil, essential oils of: Thyme, Lavender, Teasel extract.

½ oz.   $6.00       1 oz.    $13.00

Canine Ear Oil: use for regular  ear cleaning. Contains: Mullein flower, Oregon grape, & St. John’s wort infused oil,  essential oils of: Lavender, Thyme, Grapefruit seed extract.

2 oz.  $10.00      4 oz.   $18.00

Canine Yeasty Ear oil: for use on yeasty ear conditions as a treatment/prevention. Contains: Pau D’ arco, Oregon grape, neem infused oils, essential oils of: Lavender, Geranium, Thyme, and Chamomile.

2 oz.   $10.00       4 oz.    $18.00

Flea & Tick Blend: use to help repel fleas & other biting insects. Contains: Sweet fern oil, neem oil, essential oils of: Geranium, Lavender, Lemongrass, Bergamot, Eucalyptus, and catnip.

2 oz. $10.00   4 oz. $15.00   8 oz. $22.00

Joint Rub: for pain & inflammation associated with joint issues. Contains: St. John’s wort, Comfrey & Solomon Seal infused oils, Emu oil, Essential oils of: Black pepper, Peppermint, Spearmint, Juniper

  2 oz. $10.00     4 oz.  $15.00     8 oz. $22.00

The Feline line: These products are designed for the delicate nature of our feline friends; they contain no essential oils.

Shampoo:  2 oz.  $6.00       4 oz. $10.00

Feline Flea & Tick: designed to help repel fleas & ticks. Contains: Castile soap, neem & sweet fern oil, hydrosols of: Lavender, Rosemary, Rose Geranium, Parasitic Flower essence.

Feline Problem Skin: for the cat with more severe skin problems. Contains: Castile soap, witch hazel, hydrosols for: Geranium, Chamomile, healthy coat flower essence.

Sprays:      1 oz.  $6.00       2 oz.    $9.00

Feline Calming: use when you need to bring calm or aid your cat to relax. Contains: Hydrosols of: Lavender, Lemon Balm, Geranium, blue calm flower essence, water.

Feline Flea & Tick: To help repel fleas & ticks from bothering your cat. Contains: Hydrosols of: Lavender, Rosemary, Lemon Verbena, Rose geranium, catnip, sweet fern & neem oil, parasitic protection flower essence, water.

Stop itch/itch Kitty: use for all itch skin conditions. Contains: Witch hazel, Aloe gel, grapefruit seed extract, hydrosols of : Rose, Lavender, & Chamomile, Healthy coat flower essence, water.

              Other Feline Products

Feline Ear Cleaner: use for general cleaning and to rid ear mites. Contains: Aloe gel, Apple cider vinegar, Vegetable glycerin, hydrosols of: Rose, Lavender & witch hazel, water.


Ochy Healing: an all purpose reparative salve for cracked pads, hot spots, dry patches, small clean wounds. Contains: Neem oil, Calendula, Comfrey, Helichrysum,  St. John’s wort infused oils, shea & coco butter, beewax, essential oils of: Thyme, Bergamot, Lavender, Helichrysum, Geranium. Grapefruit seed extract.

 4 oz.  $13.00       8 oz.  $17.00

           Flower Essences

These are suitable for use with dogs, cats, horses and address many common issues our pets deal with daily.

1/2 oz. bottle   $9.00    1 oz. Spray   $6.00      2 oz. Spray  $9.00

Abandonment & Abuse: for all rescue animals; for  behavioral issues of terror, being handled, loner, socialization issues, depression. Contains: blue violet, burdock, abandonment blend flower essences.

Aggressive Behavior: for aggressive outburst that are unexpected or out of character. Contains: Marshmallow, Holly, Mock Orange, Burdock, Outburst blend flower essences.

Animal Emergency Care: for shock, trauma, extreme stress and acute situations. Contains: Clematis, Arnica, Animal Emergency blend flower essence.

Anxiety & Panic: for anxiety, nervous habits, obsessive behavior, fear of people, being handled, or loud noises, pacing. Contains: Impatiens, Anxiety blend flower essence.

Changes: for both old & new animals when a new animal, caretaker, or family member arrives, or when there is a new home of role in the home. Contains: Angelica, Datura, New beginnings blend flower essences.

Chronic Illness: use as a post-surgery or trauma essence, for illness recovery to support the healing process and restore joy, flexibility & carefree play. Contains: Gentian, Forsythia, Recovery & Run & Play blend flower essences.

Deep Breath: use to aid recovery of lung, pulmonary & upper respiratory disorders: Contains: Elecampane, Catalpa, Breath blend flower essences.

Destructive Behavior: for animals who exhibit destructive behaviors (chewing shoes, pillows, furniture, curtains, trash, etc.) Contains: Cherry plum, Chestnut bud, Heather, Snapdragon, Wild Oats, Willow flower essences.

Digest Ease: for relief of gastrointestinal issues due to; overeating, eating the wrong food, or emotionally upset when eating. Contains: Chamomile, Blackberry, Digestive woes flower essences.

Dominant Behavior: for the pet that demands to be noticed, needs to be in charge or first. Contains: Marshmallow, Vine, White trillium flower essences.

Environmental Sensitivity: use after surgery, prolonged drug/antibiotic use, long road, before & after x-rays. Contains: Bloodroot, Spearmint, Yarrow & immune support flower essences.

Excessive Barking: for the dog that barks at everything all the time. Contains: Chamomile, Beech St. Johnswort, Verain flower essences.

Fear: use with the timid shy pet, the one that shakes and behaves erratic during thunderstorms, fireworks, or around people & other animals. Contains: Blue Calm, Cherry Plum, Angelica, Blue Violet, Frostweed, St. Johnswort flower essences.

Grief & Loss: for the animal that is suffering a loss, home, companion, caretaker or sense of purpose. Contains: Angelica, Onion, Gentian, Grief & loss flower essences.

Healthy Coat/Allergic Skin: to promote healthy skin and fur, reduce hot spots, rashes, skin sensitivities & allergic reactions. Contains: Agrimony, Crab Apple, Yarrow synergy, Healthy coat flower essences.

Jealousy: for the animal that displays jealous traits, always needing to be first, sibling rivalry, Etc. Contains: Milk Thistle, White Columbine, Jealousy flower essences.

Neediness: for the animal who is overly anxious to please, waivers between self-confidence and no confidence. Contains: Water lily, Pink amaranthus, Lady’s mantle, Neediness flower essences.
Parasitic Protection: for situations where an animal is under attack, improves impaired electrical vitality, strengthens boundaries so

animals can  rebuff negativity and pests. Contains: Garlic, Agrimony, Flea free flower essences.

Senior Citizen: to help maintain emotional equilibrium & good cheer during the aging process may help slow the decline in flexibility, eyesight, hearing & energy. Contains: selfheal, senior citizen flower essences.

Separation Anxiety: to aid your pet in dealing with anxiety due to leaving them alone. Contains: Lily of the valley, Heather, Separation flower essences.

Spraying: aids in releasing grudge related behavior due to confusion about role in household, litter box issues. Contains: Red Raspberry, Chestnut bud, Wormwood, Spraying flower essences.

Tone & Detox: for the animal with urinary tract & kidney issues, helps to detox and tone kidney. Contains: Tomato, Crab Apple, Flow free flower essences.

Blends for Horses

Bug Spray: to help keep all types of flying insects away. Contains: Thyme, Citronella infused oil, Sweet Fern, Neem oil, Witch Hazel, Catnip Hydrosol, Essential oils of; Lavender, Geranium, Lemongrass, Bergamont, Eucalyptus

 8 oz.  $24.00          16 0z. $ 30.00

Wound Salve: an all purpose salve for small clean wounds. Contains: Calendula, Neem infused oils. Essential oils of: Green Mandarin, Thyme, Peppermint. Beewax, Coco butter.

4 oz.  $13.00      8 oz.  $17.00


Poison Ivy Relief Oil: for relief of poison ivy. Contains: Calendula, Chamomile, Helichrysum infused oils. Aloe gel, essentials oils of; Helichrysum, Lavender, Chamomile.

2 oz. $22.00    4 oz.  $30.00

Poison Ivy Relief Salve: for relief of poison ivy. Contains: Calendula, Chamomile, Helichrysum infused oils. Aloe gel. Essentials oils of: Helichrysum, Lavender, Chamomile. Bee wax, Coco butter.

4 oz.  $25.00         8 oz.  $32.00

Joint & Arthritic Salve: for relief of joint and arthritis pain. Contains: St. Johnwort, Solomon seal infused oils, Essential oils of: Peppermint, Black Pepper, Green Mandarin. Emu oil, CBD oil. Bee wax, Coco butter.

4 oz.  $75.00      8 oz.  $125.00

Dandelion & Violet Salve: for lumps and bumps. Contains: Dandelion & Violet infused oil, Essential oils of: Wild Orange, Green Mandarin.

4 oz.  $13.00         8 oz. $17.00

Drawing Salve: Can eliminate toxins, slivers, impurities, and other materials under the skin. Can be great for boils, wounds, tick bites, cactus spines, etc. Can accelerate the healing process from bugs, ticks, spider bites, thorns, and ingrown hairs. Contains: St John’s wort, Plantian, and Comfrey infused oils, Castor oil, Activated Charcoal, Bentonite Clay, Essential oils of: Peppermint, Black Pepper, and Green Mandarin, Beewax, Cocoa Butter Waffer

4 oz. $14.00             8 oz. $18.00

       I also do custom blends for the animal that has a condition that the owner wants to use herbs to help them.

Custom blends price will vary on what is needed.